Effects of slanted ergonomic mice on task performance and subjective responses

The biomechanical benefits (e.g., muscular activity) of slanted ergonomic mice have been comprehensively identified; however, their effects on task performance and subjective responses have not been fully investigated.

The present study examined the effects of two slanted mice (slant angle 300and 500) in comparison with a conventional mouse (slant angle 00) in terms of task performance (task completion time and error rate) and subjective responses (perceived discomfort score and overall satisfaction score).

Experimental results showed that all of the task and subjective measures worsened as the slant angle of the target mice increases.

For example, the task completion time (unit: ms) and overall satisfaction score (unit: point) of the 300 slanted mouse (time  0.71, satisfaction 0.09) and 500 slanted mouse (time  0.73, satisfaction  0.79) significantly deteriorated than the conventional mouse (time 0.65, satisfaction 1.21).

The slanted mice seem to compromise biomechanical benefits with task performance and subjective responses.

Kihyo Jung*
School of Industrial Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 680-749, South Korea

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